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Bonnie's Pet Bed

My son's girlfriend, MacKenzie got the cutest little puppy named Bonnie. Bonnie of course needed a bed. We searched my house and found a sewing table minus the sewing machine that I was using as a table for the printer. We cleared it off and decided we would use it.

We painted the outside one color and the inside another color and both on the front "door." Bonnie's name, bow and tiara were cut from black vinyl using my Cricut and the little paw prints were made using a stamp with an ink pad. We even made the pillow out of scrap material and stuffing from the craft box. MacKenzie thought the "legs" needed a little something so we dug in the craft box some more and found tulle. Perfect touch along with the new hardware pulls.

Bonnie loves it and so does MacKenzie!


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